What to Expect on Sunday.

What Are Our Sunday Service Gatherings Like?

Service Format and Times

Our church service is not quite 2 hours divided up as follows:

Worship for 50 minutes
Fellowship 15 minutes. Also, 1 on 1 Prayer and Healing is Available during this time.
Teaching for 40 minutes

Prophetic Worship

Prophetic worship is being Holy Spirit led. It is listening to what He is saying for a specific service and flowing with it. It is often spontaneous and will not always follow the words to the song being sung. We like this because Jesus is the head of the church and He will often lead us in a different direction through the Holy Spirit.

You can hear some of our live worship in recordings on our YouTube Channel – See the Live Close Music Playlist. Click Here.

Click Here for a 5 Minute Video Collage from one of our worship services.

Team Ministry

We believe it takes multiple gifts to produce a mature believer. So we have multiple Worship Leaders leading on any given Sunday. We often have more than 1 speaker during the month. This gives people a chance to be blessed by different people’s styles, emphasis, and messages and leads to maturity.

Giving of Tithes & Offerings

We do not pass the offering plate. Feel free to give whenever you desire into the containers by Auditorium door or online.