Frequently Asked Questions.

Please also see the ‘Writings’ page of the website. There are quite a few articles that may help you and answer any other questions. There are also audio messages if you want to listen to any of our teachings.

Q – Where did Relationship Church come from?

It was started in Dalton in 1995 by Craig & Susan Cooper and a few other adventurous souls. Craig & Susan spent 10 years in Augusta, GA helping to plant 2 churches there. They came to Dalton with the specific purpose to start Relationship Church. It is an independent self governing church. Even though it is independent, Craig is ordained under the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministers in Charlotte, NC. They provide advice and wisdom when asked but they are not directly responsible.

Q – Do you have Shepherds, Elders, Deacons, etc.?

Yes. We don’t use the language of shepherds, elders, and deacons, but we do have the function. Our group leaders are our pastors/shepherds of the people. We have a Leadership group that acts the same as elders/deacon boards in other churches..

Q – Who teaches on Sunday evening?

We may have more than 1 teacher during the month. Most of the time you hear from our Senior Leader – Craig Cooper – but in any given month you may hear from other capable ministers in the church. We actually desire for there to be more than 1 teacher. No one speaker fully understands the whole Bible. Each speaker tends to have an area that they have studied more than others. When we listen to a variety of speakers it gives us an fuller understanding of God and the Bible.

Q – What do you do for Worship Music?

Music is a big deal to us. We spend about 40 minutes each service. We make use of drums, guitars, keyboards, electric guitars, etc. Our people are very involved with the music including raising of hands, banners, etc. You are free to worship God however you want. Some people are demonstrative and some sit quietly.

Q – What is the dress code?

The dress code is whatever you feel comfortable in. The typical dress you will find is blue jeans or something equally casual.

Q – Do you have a nursery? Yes.

Q – What do you teach about tithing or giving?

We believe in tithing but also give grace to those that believe it is an Old Testament practice and emphasize giving instead. We are comfortable with people that believe both. We do not have a separate offering time during the service. We have offering baskets at the back of the church by the auditorium door. We pray over the offering but people give before, during, or after the service as they desire.

Q – How often do you partake in communion?

Communion is very special to us. We usually take communion together once a quarter. But sometimes we do it more often.

Q – What does your church teach about speaking in tongues and healing?

We believe that all 9 of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12, which includes healing and speaking in tongues, are valid for today. We do not use them as a ‘badge’ of spirituality but we do believe people can ‘walk’ in them and do our best to teach them how to do it. We teach a Prophecy, Word of Knowledge, and Word of Wisdom class regularly to help people know how to walk with the Holy Spirit in this.

Q – What is the woman’s role in your services?

We believe in women ministering and teaching just like men. You will see women teaching from the pulpit and ministering in other ways. Here is a PDF link to a booklet called Can Women Minister to Men? on the Resources page outlining why we believe this is Biblical.

Q – Do you believe in Deliverance and what do you mean by that word?

In Mark 16:17, the Lord instructed His disciples to drive out demons. We don’t seek after demons or make a big deal out of them. Just to let you know we don’t handle snakes or drink poison! We also don’t go seeking after demons. We don’t take an all or nothing position. We try to talk to people and ask lots of questions with much prayer and seek the Lord before praying deliverance for someone.

Q – How does one find salvation… what steps must they take?

We believe salvation is through repentance of our sins and recognizing that judgment for our sins is hell. Jesus died on the cross to pay for that judgment and if we will believe on Him then by that grace (goodness) we are saved. There are no works involved in salvation. We believe in water baptism but do not believe it is essential to salvation.

Q – What is the format like on Sunday evening?

The service starts at 6 PM with music. The worship time generally lasts about 40 minutes. After worship there is a fellowship break and opportunities for prayer and healing if desired. The message is then given by the speaker and generally lasts about 35 minutes.

Q – How do I become a member of Relationship Church?

We do not have official membership with a signup like many churches. We consider you a member when you are actively involved in the church and consider it your home. We have an email mailing list that is used for weekly announcements. If you would like to be put on this list, there is a signup form at the bottom of this page.