
In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things love. - Moravian Proverb


We are a part of the evangelical theological stream of Protestant Christianity, adhere to the Nicene Creed and to the core values of the Protestant Reformation, namely the ultimate and essential authority of the Scriptures for Christian faith and practice, justification by faith, and the priesthood of all believers, salvation alone through Jesus Christ, and that if one dies without accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior dies without his sins being taken care of condemned forever to the Lake of Fire and have no further opportunity of repenting.

We believe that this God is one and eternal, manifested in three co-equal persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14; Duet. 6:4).

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, 100% God, 100% Man, and was born of the virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:34-35; Phil. 2:6-7).

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is inerrant & the final authority for life & doctrine (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21; 1 Thess. 2:13).


We believe that the God of the Bible is wild and free, safe but not tame, unfathomable, uncontainable, and unpredictable, and yet able to be known intimately.

We believe that conversion is the consummate God-encounter, and that divine encounters and Holy Spirit sightings are an ongoing part of a person’s spiritual journey.

We believe in the full vesting and gifting of God’s people by the Holy Spirit, and that all the gifts of the Spirit are for today and are to be eagerly desired and used by faith.

We believe that every believer is called to be a minister and to influence others.

We believe that radical worship is a lifestyle, and is to be extravagant in its many expressions.

We believe the central theme of the New Testament, both taught and demonstrated by Jesus, is the message of the Kingdom of God. This includes living out His principles not only in church but in all areas of society until the principles of the Kingdom permeates everything.


We believe our number one mission is making disciples and not just converts.

We believe everyone should have a small group of people they connect with for encouragement and accountability.

We want to be a producer and not just a consumer in the work of God.

We believe our prosperity is to be stewarded to advance God’s work.

We want to see Christians grow emotionally as well as in knowledge of the Word of God.

We want to influence our whole culture with our gifts and callings.

The simpler the structure or organization of the church the better.

When we gather together it should be fun as much as it is important.

Worship is a primary activity in everything we do. Our worship gatherings are for God more than they are for us.

We endeavor to model a fail-safe environment that gives room for people to make mistakes as they grow in the things of the Spirit. And that the flow of the Spirit is often as messy and unpredictable as it is powerful.

We embrace children and youth as part of the believing community and include them in our gatherings as fellow worshipers and ministers.

We are called to discern the times and seasons, and learn how to flow in the Holy Spirit’s time frame. The only constant is that things will change as we progress to the whole world being summed up in Jesus Christ.

We recognize that the more we pursue God as a prophetic people; the less our lives will be explainable.